The Most Extreme Wiki

The Thynnid Wasp is number 8 on The Most Extreme Gardeners. The female has no wings, so she's forced to crawl up to stems of flowers to catch the nose of a passing male by releasing a perfume of pheromones. The winged male takes her and mates with her midair. The drake orchid's flower looks like a female thynnid wasp, and produces a perfume that mimics the wasp's pheromones. When a male follows the chemical come hither, he becomes an unwitting gardener. As he tries to carry away the flower, he swings within range of the sticky pollen sacs. Undeterred by the pollen on his back, he tries his luck with another orchid, just that this time, his struggles deposit pollen onto the plant's female reproductive organ.

  • If following the countdown of extreme Gardeners, the next contender is a pollinator that takes its duties much more seriously.