The Most Extreme Wiki
Opossum 46d david cappaert bgwd 5402617

Opossums are on 2 different episodes, and are #3 on Cheats, and #9 on Living Dead. When a predator comes along, they play possum. They smell dead and even drool a little. They don't just play dead though. They enter a voluntary coma. They've been known to stay in this condition for up to six hours. They are relying on the fact that most predators only like to eat fresh meat. So, if they act like if they are already dead, maybe the predator will think the body is already rotten. It'll leave the opossum alone and go in search of fresher prey.

  • If following the countdown of extreme Cheats, here is a link to the next contender.
  • If following the countdown of extreme Living Dead, here is a link to the next contender.