The Most Extreme Wiki

Lions are on 8 different episodes, and are #10 on Fighters, #10 on Dads, #5 on Killer Cats, #8 on Battle of the Sexes, #7 on Killers, #5 on Fashion Disasters, #6 on Workaholics, and #7 on Leaders. Males can sleep 20 hours a day. It is the female that does most of the hunting. They mainly live off of up to 20 species of animal. However, when the males are awake, they often fight each other. When a male feels like his offspring are being threatened by another male, he will fight that male off to protect his offspring. They also fight other males to try to get a female. However, males also fight females. They are the only social cats in the world. They live in groups of up to 30 individuals. Males can hunt for themselves, but expects the females to hunt for them and bring home the groceries. The male then gets first dibs on the catched prey. Females are also more attracted to males with darker manes, no matter how long the mane is. Although, this also makes the male hotter and interferes with sperm production. Lions and other big cats kill at least 80 people every year.

  • If following the countdown of extreme Fighters, here is a link to the next contender.
  • If following the countdown of extreme Dads, here is a link to the next contender.
  • If following the countdown of extreme Killer Cats, here is a link to the next contender, which finds the wild right in our own backyard.
  • If following the countdown of extreme Battle of the Sexes, there is no love lost when you're on a dinner date with the next contender, which lives with a real little devil.
  • If following the countdown of extreme Killers, here is a link to the next contender.
  • If following the countdown of extreme Fashion Disasters, here is a link to the next contender, which will flaunt his fashion in front of a predator.
  • If following the countdown of extreme Workaholics, here is a link to the next contender.
  • If following the countdown of extreme Leaders, here is a link to the next contender.