The Most Extreme Wiki

Camels are on 3 different episodes, and are #10 on Survivors, #8 on Dieters, and #3 on Animal Myths. They can survive a week in the desert without water, and two weeks without food. If humans were dropped in the desert, in less than 36 hours, we would be dead. Temperatures can reach as reach as high as 110 degrees Fahrenheit. A common myth about camels says that they store water in their humps, however, this is false. Contrary to popular belief, camels actually store fat in their humps, which is what helps them spend long times with no food. They actually store water in their blood stream. They have urine as thick as syrup, and you can use camel dung as fuel for a fire.

  • If following the countdown of extreme Survivors, here is a link to the next contender, which is not as kissable as this one.
  • If following the countdown of extreme Dieters, the next contender has difficult dining as it is trapped in one of the coldest places on the planet.
  • If following the countdown of extreme Animal Myths, here is a link to the next contender, which is said to crawl into your ear and eat your brain.